

XCode 10 est disponible en version finale

Par Didier Pulicani - Publié le

Après plusieurs mois de beta-test, Xcode débarque enfin en version finale !

Au menu, la prise en charge de macOS Mojave et de son mode sombre, une meilleure gestion des sources, des améliorations dans l'éditeur (curseurs multiples...), Playgrounds a été totalement repensé, et l'interface de débuguage est plus rapide, optimisée pour plusieurs coeurs (les simulateurs seront plus rapides en parallèle) et les temps de compilation ont été un peu réduits.





XCode 10 est disponible en version finale

Xcode 10 includes Swift 4.2 and SDKs for iOS 12, watchOS 5, tvOS 12, and macOS Mojave.

Dark mode in macOS Mojave
• All-new dark appearance throughout Xcode and Instruments
• Asset catalogs add dark and light variants to customize colors and image assets
• Interface Builder easily switches between dark and light variants of the app's interface
• Debugger switches Mac apps between dark and light variants without changing OS settings

Source control
• Code that differs from the repository server is highlighted directly within the editor, including:
- Local changes not yet pushed to the shared repository
- Upstream changes others have made
- Conflicts to address before committing
• Account integration with self-hosted and cloud servers from Atlassian Bitbucket, GitLab, and GitHub
• Account logins generate SSH keys on-demand and upload to the service provider
• Rebase is an option when pulling the latest version of code

Editor enhancements
• Multiple cursors in the editor enable many changes at once
• Code folding ribbon can hide any code block surrounded by braces
• Over-scroll makes it easy to display the last lines of code in the center of the screen

Playgrounds and machine learning
• Completely redesigned REPL-like playgrounds are much faster and more stable
• Run code at any time by hitting SHIFT-RETURN or click the inline Run button to execute to a specific line
• Interactively train and exercise new Create ML models directly within a playground

Test and debug
• Debug symbols download from a device 5x faster than before
• Tests run in parallel across many Simulators to take full advantage of all CPU cores
• Custom instruments provide unique data visualization for any code
• Memory debugger layout is redesigned to make it easier to navigate and visualize the whole app
• Metal shader debugger inspects the execution of vertex, fragment, compute, and tile shader code
• Metal dependency viewer shows a detailed graph of how resources are used

Build Performance
• New build system improves performance and is enabled by default for all projects
• Swift compiles each individual file significantly faster, and greatly improves incremental builds