La niveau 3 à 0
Par Ergo - Publié le
When performing day-to-day tasks, such as reading email, browing the Web, and typing Word documents, an L3 cache does not provide significantly improved performance over the already fast PowerPC G4,
ça sert peu.
The removal of the 1MB L3 cache may cause concern among members of the video editing community because video encoding to MPEG-2 made use of our L3 cache. Some members of this community have come to look for L3 cache in products that they purchase,*
Enfin, juste à deux, trois gars dans le monde...
Bref, selon Apple, la puissance du G4 avec AltiVec suffit, largement, à compenser cette disparition.
C'est Nicketto Della Plumator, qui nous en causait...