Content !
Par Ergo - Publié le
For Apple, it was a tour de force, demonstrating to existing customers that the company is ready to compete on performance and, increasingly, on price for their business.
Ce qui pourrait se traduire par:
Je suis content.
Though Panther looks great and the new G5 tower machines are the sexiest hardware I've seen since, well, 1984, when the Mac was introduced.
Ce qui pourrait se traduire par:
Je suis très content.
If life were fair, or perhaps if this were 1984, Apple's fortunes would get a big boost based on CEO Steve Jobs's performance at last week's Worldwide Developers Conference.
Ce qui pourrait se traduire par:
Je suis super content.
Physically, the aluminum skin of the G5 towers and the hyperventilated cabinet (complete with nine--count 'em nine--fans) is the sexiest looking PC I've ever seen.
Ce qui pourrait se traduire par:
Râââââh lovely !!
Par ici, pour lire un homme heureux, que son nom, il est David Coursey à l'intérieur de sa carte d'identité de lui.