.Mac, 2ème et dernier désagrément ?
Par Denis Vaillant - Publié le
Dear .Mac Member,
We hope you haven't been greatly inconvenienced by the two .Mac network outages we've experienced in the past two weeks (including this morning) and we sincerely apologize for any problems you've experienced. The outages were the result of equipment failures, and since the equipment vendor has not been able to persuade us that the problem will not occur again, we've already begun installing new equipment from a different vendor.
We're completely back up and running now, and no data or mail was lost. We expect the equipment change over to be complete within the next several weeks, and we'll be working hard to ensure that there are no further issues during that time. In the meantime, we appreciate your patience while we make this transition, and if you do experience any difficulties, please go to www.apple.com/support for up-to-the-minute information and status.
Pour les non-anglophones, ce message explique que par 2 fois durant ces 2 dernières semaines, le service .Mac a été indisponible...
On peut cependant voir qu'Apple cherche à offrir à tout prix un service irréprochable (vous me direz que c'est normal vu le prix...). Il ne reste plus qu'à espérer que cela va arriver rapidement...
Par ailleurs, les dernières rumeurs parlent de nouvelles fonctionnalités disponibles prochainement pour les utilisateurs du .Mac. On parle d'un iSite (pour construire en 2 clics un site sur votre compte .Mac) ou encore d'une synchronisation iWalk (pour réver...).