

Nouvelle bêta de Lightroom

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Adobe m'a écrit personnellement aujourd'hui (ouais, je sais, la classe !) pour m'annoncer la bêta 4 de Lightroom.

Lightroom Beta 4 also features:
- Groundbreaking changes in the way tone curve adjustments are made and displayed, giving you the highest quality results in an interface that's easier to use than ever before.
- More streamlined and elegant user interface - We've made several changes to the look and feel based on your feedback in the earlier beta releases.
- Customizable interface - You can now display only the controls you want to be visible.
- Precision white balance selection tool
- Facility to easily rename and convert files to DNG after they've been imported to the Lightroom library
- Increased interaction between Lightroom library organizational structure and the underlying file system
- Filter and search presets to more quickly find the photographs you want
- Better performance and improved interface for the Web module features
- Develop control improvements based on community feedback, including comments from the Pixmantec user community (welcome!)

Tout se passe par là

PS : remarque annexe, on parle sur le site de Photoshop Lightroom et il est en UB, je sais pas si c'est une nouveauté, je n'y faisais pas attention avant d'avoir mon Macbook.

[NDRE : Merci à Mallock pour l'autre niouse proposée ;)]