Un singe historien
Par Ergo - Publié le
You've got to be not just first in an area; you've got to be first with important innovations even in areas that you've pioneered.Traduction :
On se doit d'être les premiers avec d'importantes innovations, dans des domaines où on est des pionniers.Premier en bug, pionnier en faille ?
Avec la suite, on rigole pas mal, quand même :
We love to be first. Well, our big success is Windows. We were first. Windows, we were first — and then everybody faded out because there was a period during which the concept was — I mean, Apple stuck around with their concept of that, but everybody else faded out, basically.Traduction :
Ah ben non, je me marre plus, je pleure...
• Ballmer est premier en n'importe quoi, et prépare sa thèse en rien...