

Votre mission avec Vue 4

Par Ergo - Publié le

Un communiqué de presse en provenance de là où ils réfléchissent, nous apprend qu'e-on software vient de rendre immédiatement disponible la nouvelle version de Vue d'Esprit 4 Professional, pour Mac OS X (et Windows...)

La grande majorité des informations se trouve ici.

Et pour faire complet, voici le communiqué de presse:

September 16, 2003. Beaverton, OR. e-on software, the developer of award winning 3D natural scenery products, announces the immediate availability of Vue 4 Professional for MacOS X and Windows, the newest addition to its line of products for professional 3D designers and digital video production houses.

Vous savez quoi ? on est content !

"Vue 4 Professional doesn't lock you into a closed environment, but instead enables you to select the best combination of tools for any project. Vue 4 Professional can be both a destination for rendering or part of the process in a project pipeline," said Nicholas Phelps, president of e-on software.

Votre mission, si vous l'acceptez, sera de créer. Mr PHELPS, Président d'e-on software.

Vue 4 Professional provides a complete, professional natural 3D studio. Vue 4 Professional is a standalone product that integrates with all leading 3D applications, including Discreet 3D Studio MAX, Alias Maya, NewTek LightWave, Maxon Cinema4D and Softimage XSI. It also exports data to compositing applications such as Discreet Combustion and Adobe AfterEffects.
With an intuitive and production-oriented layout, professionals will be able to quickly create and enhance their production with incredible, wind-swept SolidGrowth? 3 trees and plants, volumetric atmospheres and rich terrains in fully animated scenes that can be customized and rendered within Vue 4 Professional.

Si vos créations remportent le succès, nous ne nierons pas notre participation.

Vue 4 Professional ships on 3 CDs with a 460+ page manual, in a hybrid Windows and MacOS X configuration and is immediately available for purchase. Vue 4 Professional retails for $599 with a special introductory price of $499. Users of Vue d'Esprit 4 will be able to sidegrade to Vue 4 Professional for $299 during the introductory period.
A complete and detailed list of features is available on the e-on software website at:

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